Internal courtyard – Bfz

“I experienced it as very exciting how you gain dynamic power for the whole organisation out of this impressive artistic potential. Your efforts represent an example for me.” Prof Dr Kurt Monser, Business director of the FTK, Research Institute for Telecommunications, Dortmund, 06.02.2003“I experienced it as very exciting how you gain dynamic power for the whole organisation out of this impressive artistic potential. Your efforts represent an example for me.” Prof Dr Kurt Monser, Business director of the FTK, Research Institute for Telecommunications, Dortmund, 06.02.2003

“I experienced it as very exciting how you gain dynamic power for the whole organisation out of this impressive artistic potential. Your efforts represent an example for me.” Prof Dr Kurt Monser, Business director of the FTK, Research Institute for Telecommunications, Dortmund, 06.02.2003